Bedding with rats can be difficult to choose as many people will have differing opinions on the matter. We base our bedding choices on scientific studies.
The only bedding we allow adopters to use are the following:
Wood shavings (pine or aspen): While many sources will tell you kiln dried pine is an unsafe bedding for rats, it is NOT true! Kiln dried pine and aspen are perfectly safe for rats, and our most recommended bedding! Both of these have great ammonia control and offer digging opportunities for your rats. Often changed once a week.
Hemp: This tends to be a harder and more expensive bedding, but it works well with rats. Similar to kiln-dried pine and aspen they can dig and has great ammonia control. Often changed once a week.
Horse-grade cardboard bedding: This is NOT regular cardboard! This bedding goes through a process to get rid of the dust particles that are toxic to rats. It has good ammonia control and absorbency. Often changed once a week.
Bioactive: This "bedding" essentially creates a mini ecosystem!
We allow these beddings under very specific circumstances:
Fleece: Fleece is not recommended for a long-term bedding! It has no ammonia control and provides no digging opportunities. However, some rats are allergic to all other safe beddings, so the only option is fleece for them. This bedding must be changed every day or every other day.
We DO NOT allow these beddings under ANY circumstances:
Cedar: A HUGE no no for any small animals. Cedar is extremely toxic and will kill your pets. Unlike pine, it does not get rid of phenols when kiln dried.
Carefresh/Any other paper bedding: Paper bedding has no ammonia control and is often extremely dusty and expensive. When compared to other beddings in studies, it had 10x the amount of ammonia as kiln dried pine! Its not worth the price you pay for it. It also often carries mites!
Newspaper: Similar to fleece, it has no anmonia control and no digging opportunities